What to Expect
On the day
No need to pre-book
The windows will remain open for ventilation.
There will be singing together and it is recommended to wear masks whilst singing. Masks and hand sanitiser are available at the Welcome desk.
No space between chairs
There is a cash offering via envelopes that are available at the Welcome desk.
There will be crèche facilities (ages 0-3) and Sunday school classes (ages 3+).
Toilets will be available.
Church Bibles will not be provided.
After the Service
If you would like someone to pray with you, please go to the front of the church. Please note that we cannot guarantee privacy.
Mask wearing is personal choice whilst in the building.
Refreshments are being served after the service. Please go to the kitchen hatch to have your drink.
We encourage you to interact with others to build relationships with one another.
Avoid blocking pathways to ensure everyone feels comfortable. We also ask that we be considerate of other people's personal space.
Join us for lunch on every first Sunday of the month!
During the Service
Mask wearing is a personal choice.
It is recommended to keep your mask on whilst singing.
Windows and doors will remain open around the building to improve ventilation in the space at all times.
The service will be live streamed on YouTube, so cameras will be on but will not show the congregation just those who lead.
Cash offering envelopes are available but electronic giving is encouraged.
If you start to feel unwell will any symptoms associated with the virus, please leave the building immediately and let us know.

On Exiting the Building
As we leave, it is recommended that we are sensitive to the space between us and others. We want to be respectful to our immediate neighbours too.

Children and Youth
Celebrate Jesus with our fun and interactive craft and Bible activities
Every Sunday, 10.30am at LBC
Every Sunday, 10.30am at LBC
Every Sunday, 10.30am at LBC.
For children aged up to 3 years old, there is a creche facility, accompanied by parents.
The service is linked to a screen in the room.
Our work with children and youth is dynamic and keeps growing.
Check back here regularly to be kept up-to-date!
Sunday Night Youth
6th April
6.30 - 8pm at LBC

In Person Services